

We are here to help your business take advantage of your internet connection to make calls over the internet, 这也会节省你的钱!  Our phone system is a cost-effective and feature-rich hosted phone service for all businesses in Alpena MI as well as all of Northern Michigan!  1010 Technology Center provides rapid response support whenever you need it!


1010 Technology Center Systems are fully geo-redundant with servers in world-class data centers across the U.S. 有多个运营商提供与PSTN的连接. 我们提供来自Yealink的高品质桌面电话, with many different models to choose from to suit your particular environment, 包括前台控制台, 生产力的手机, 无绳电话, 还有会议室电话.


Easy to understand, flat rate pricing per user which includes our best service from day 1!  包含在你的每月服务中, 我们全面管理和维护您的系统, 所以你永远不用担心电话系统编程.

我们构建 & 维护系统

我们的VoIP团队会到您的办公室, 设置新的商务电话系统, 并亲自配置功能. 我们以客户服务为荣 & 响应时间!

Why are businesses like yours choosing us for their business phone service?

  • 风度翩翩的, rapid-response customer service means never having to call the cable or phone company again!

  • 工作从任何地方与我们的移动应用程序.  Your office calls ring on your smartphone and outgoing calls show your office number instead of your personal mobile number.

  • 我们提供电话录音等高级功能 & 短信.  There is a good chance that some of your customers or potential new customers send text messages to your main business phone number & 你甚至都没有意识到.  不要错过潜在的重要业务.

  • 与传统的电话账单相比,价值非凡.  Most of our customers save money by switching to our VoIP phone service.

  • With our VoIP phone system you can set up virtual auto attendants & 用于处理大量呼入的呼叫队列.  This allows your business to be more efficient by being automated which saves you time.

获得免费的VoIP报价 & 看到节省!



    这是你再也不用更换的部件! Gone are the days of having to purchase an expensive phone system, 向电话公司支付电话费, 然后付钱给一个“打电话的人”,让他出来做改变, 等. 你现在的电话系统可以拆卸并回收. 在过去, companies usually purchased phone system hardware at a large capital expense and owned it for a long period of time; a fixed set of phones and capacity was purchased and it needed upgrading (at an additional capital expenditure) as the company grew. 想想看. 购买电话系统就像购买汽车一样. Just a few short years after the purchase of a premise-based phone system, 它过时了,一美元只值几分钱. You don’t want to waste your precious capital on hardware, software, and professional services. 尤其是当质量, 可靠性, and business continuity of our hosted VoIP telephone system rivals traditional high-end enterprise phone systems.


    是的! 我们代替你的电话公司. We provide the hosted telephone system, along with the “phone lines” for you to make calls. Your “phone bill” goes away and you will have a single monthly invoice from us. Best of all, you never have to deal with “the phone company” or “cable company” again! You would still have an invoice for your Internet service from your ISP.


    With our hosted VoIP system all phone support is included with your monthly service.  If you need a change made just let us know and we will get it done in a timely manner.


    是的,你可以!  Users can make 3-way 电话会议 right from their desk phone.  We also have a conference bridge solution that allows anyone to call into your system for large group calls & 电话会议.

    支持哪些手机? 我现在的手机能用你们的系统吗?2020-07-08T23:13:14+00:00

    1010技术中心提供Yealink电话.  如果您目前正在使用其他托管电话提供商 & have phones from them, chances are you can use them with our system as well.  Otherwise, we will help you select the right phones for your business needs.


    绝对!  We handle porting your phone number over to our system which takes 5-7 business days.


    A hosted VoIP telephone system is a complete business solution that includes calling plans and has all of the functionality of a traditional phone system but a hosted solution offers enhanced flexibility, 可伸缩性, 显著节约成本 & 先进的功能.


    With a hosted VoIP system you don’t have physical phone lines at your office any longer. 一切都托管在我们的安全服务器上. 然后你的电话会通过互联网传给所有你的联系人 & 为您的扩展注册设备.


    We usually recommend having redundant internet connections with two different internet service providers but you don’t have to.  Your calls will automatically stay contained within your voicemail system allowing callers to leave voicemails still.  We can even forward your calls to any telephone number you want if your internet goes down.  Our mobile app can also be used as a backup so you will never miss a call!


    是的! We offer a virtual fax solution where inbound faxes can be sent to your email in PDF form & you can also send faxes out from your email as well or use our portal.  If you want to keep your physical fax machine we have a solution for that as well!

    How is your service different from the national VoIP providers I have read about?2020-07-08T23:10:29+00:00
    大, 国家供应商依赖于“销售”, ship and pray” method of implementing a hosted telephone service.  This means they sell you the service, ship your phones, and pray that they work. Here at 1010 Technology Center we analyze your local area network (LAN) along with the quality of your Internet connection (WAN) and make recommendations to ensure that your call quality will be near perfect. 我们将为VoIP流量正确配置您的路由器, 或者建议你在使用VoIP之前是否需要升级. We then personally install all of your new phones and provide hands-on training for your employees.